Translation of Robotic Apparel for Alleviating Low Back Pain


This is a NIAMS-sponsored clinical trial being conducted through the NIH Helping to End Addition Long-term (HEAL) Initiative's Back Pain Consortium (BACPAC) Research Program. This is a single-arm controlled trial with individuals aged 18-70 with low back pain (LBP). This study investigates the effect(s) of augmenting physical therapy (PT) interventions with the use of an experimental wearable soft robotic device ('exosuit').


  • Low Back Pain


Eligible Ages
Between 18 Years and 70 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  • Age 18-70 - Diagnosis of LBP by licensed medical provider or self-report of lower back pain (initially gathered through partial HIPAA waiver, and confirmed during in-person screening visit) - Self-reported LBP with bending or lifting - Able to walk without an assistive device. - Willing and able to provide informed consent. - Provide HIPAA Authorization to allow communication with the primary healthcare provider (e.g., treating physical therapist) for communication (as needed) during the study period. - Must undergo physical therapy examination with research physical therapist and be assigned a Treatment-Based Classification (TBC) of movement impairment or control impairment.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Unable to attend all scheduled visits and 1-month phone follow-up - Currently pregnant or likely to become pregnant within 6 weeks - Having received surgery to address current LBP - Having pain or symptoms below the knee that seems related to their current LBP - Having current LBP lasting less than 2 weeks - Diagnosed or self-reported neurological disorders effecting motor control (stroke, Parkinson's disease, etc.) - Use of a pacemaker or other implanted medical devices - Currently under treatment for cancer - Skin issues / sensitivity that an exosuit could exacerbate (e.g., Epidermolysis Bullosa) - Any other medical conditions that would preclude safe use of the exosuit device as determined by a physical therapist

Study Design

Study Type
Intervention Model
Single Group Assignment
Intervention Model Description
Single arm clinical trials with propensity-matched control group.
Primary Purpose
None (Open Label)

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Exosuit Augmented Physical Therapy
participants will attend an in person screening, initial visit (1), 10 (2-11) sessions of physical therapy and a discharge visit (12). Participants will undergo a comprehensive biomechanical analysis on visits 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12, completing an extensive battery of surveys at visits 1, discharge, and 1-month post-discharge. Treatment will incorporate evidence-based physical therapy care based on clinical presentation to include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and functional therapeutic activities. A portion of each session will include exosuit use.
  • Device: Back Exosuit
    The device is worn like a backpack. It weighs 6 pounds. Participants will be able to perform movements naturally in the device. A ribbon serves as an external muscle to reduce the load and effort during lifting. As participants bend forward, the device assists the participant by supporting some of their body weight by gently pulling back. As participants stand up, the device assists them by gently pulling their trunk upright. Participants will feel the level of assistance change slightly as they move faster or slower. Participants will use this device during 20-40 minutes of physical therapy exercises during 12 visits over 4-6 weeks. Once it is fit and adjusted to each participant's comfort, the physical therapist will control the level of assistance the device provides similarly to how they would adapt any given exercise. Participants may start with more assistance and wean down over the course of the study.

Recruiting Locations

Boston University Physical Therapy Center
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
James C Camarinos, DPT

More Details

Boston University Charles River Campus

Study Contact

Boston University Physical Therapy Center

Detailed Description

Low back pain (LBP) has a lifetime prevalence of 80%, with approximately 20% of individuals experiencing recurrent episodes or chronic LBP (cLBP). Unfortunately, the evidence for the effectiveness of most rehabilitative treatment is low. With an economic burden approaching $100-billion in the United States alone, the National Institutes of Health has invested millions of dollars in innovative technologies aiming to improve rehabilitative care for low back injuries. As part of this initiative, the investigator's collaborative network of expert clinicians, engineers, and researchers have developed and tested robotic apparel technology (exosuit) that supplements ergonomic and biomechanical training and can be utilized by clinicians in the treatment of individuals with LBP. Failed rehabilitation, and thus progression from acute to cLBP, is thought to be caused by maladaptive motor control strategies, muscle hyperactivity, reduced movement variability, and development of fear-avoidance-beliefs. The exosuit technology was designed to reduce exertion, encourage safe, varied movement strategies, and promote recovery through well-timed assistive forces to the trunk and hips during flexion postures and lifting tasks. The proposed project builds on this work through use of the exosuit to augment traditional physical therapy care. In doing so, the investigators will determine whether this technology can enhance rehabilitation after back injuries, interrupt the progression of acute to chronic LBP, encourage non-maladaptive movement strategies, and expedite the timeline of return to prior level of function. To examine the effects of exosuit augmented physical therapy rehabilitation and reduce disability, the investigators will recruit individuals with LBP who are referred to or receiving physical therapy into a single arm clinical trial. The investigators will evaluate feasibility, safety and usability of the exosuit, as well as changes in pain and disability throughout 6 weeks of rehabilitation and compare outcomes to a historical control group who received usual care. The investigators will also evaluate changes in fear-avoidance beliefs, range of motion, and motor control and compare outcomes between exosuit-augmented and no suit conditions over the 6 weeks. Primary outcomes of feasibility, usability, and safety of using a back exosuit to augment routine physical therapy will be evaluated. Secondary outcomes include the efficacy of using a back exosuit to augment routine physical therapy, measured by comparing changes in self-perceived pain and disability compared to the historical control group. Tertiary outcomes include the identification of interventional phenotypes by determining the relationship between changes in symptoms and changes in biomechanics function through exosuit-augmented physical therapy.